Friday, May 17, 2024

    Writing in Retirement

It has been seven years since I last wrote on "Between Pages" and over two years since I retired. But some people have been asking: "Are you still writing?"  

The answer is complicated.

Short answer is "yes".  But my writing has been curtailed to a great extent by lack of motivation and focus. Since retirement much has transpired, including death of two parents (father and mother-in-law), some travel, and, since the advent of 2024, undertaking a new house-build on the family farm (where Becky grew up, Fairbanks, IN) and getting our Brownsburg home ready to sell in early 2025.  

During these brief retirement years I have, however, managed to publish a second volume of poetry, The Kinship of Ordinary Things, a collection of poems written, and to a large extent published in journals and magazines, over the past decade.  And, at last, my children's biography is soon to be released, All About Mohandas Gandhi--a book I wrote nearly six years ago but publication date waylaid by the pandemic.  

New writing? It seems I am always working on something (at least the intent of writing) but my production has dropped off significantly from my days when I was working 55-70 hours a week as a pastor and also writing seven days a week in the interstices of available time.  One year during my hay days, I recall having five books published and managed to produce a half dozen others in that same twelve months.  But that was then.  

This is now.

And I'm older and slower and have every intent of enjoying life in the moments available, and remaining, to me.  

My intent is to keep adding to this "Between Pages" journal moving forward. We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, thanks for reading.

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